vimrc - gvim windows10 _gvimrc location - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange.First handshake with windows GVIM (installation and configuration) | Develop Paper

vimrc - gvim windows10 _gvimrc location - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange.First handshake with windows GVIM (installation and configuration) | Develop Paper

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I installed the latest gvim from vim. It is a 'loaded' package with many options, cfr infra output of :version command. I have python 2. The python These three directories gvlm python dlls are igi game for windows 10 64 bit the system path. Both Gvim and Vim output 0 on the echo has 'python' and echo has 'python3' commands. The usual package of Vim on Windows ships a bit binary, and a bit binary will not work with bit libraries which is typically what I'd expect your Python installation will be.

You need both Vim по ссылке Python to match. There are bit versions of Vim packages available here: github. They're explicitly mentioned for those who want to add support for external languages such as Python. Once you have a bit Vim binary that matches your Python windowx, you need to have жмите correctly find the libraries in your system.

Gvim windows 10 setting the 'pythonthreedll' licecap for windows 10 'pythonthreehome' variables to point gvim windows 10 the ones in your system. Camtasia bit windows 10 can be checked the python version required by checking :version output.

Winrows, it seems Vim was built with python It's possible these are not exactly the paths in your system, or the values Vim wants for the settings Please experiment with them and gvim windows 10 if you find a combination that makes it work.

Note that you need to escape spaces with a backslash, and you need to use two backslashes as path separators. Gvim windows 10 probably possible to do something similar for Python 2. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge.

Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Ask Question. Asked 1 year, 7 months ago. Modified 2 months ago. Viewed times.

It is a 'loaded' package with many options, cfr infra output of :version command I have python 2. Do I have to add anything in either. Any gvim windows 10 and help would be highly appreciated! Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Trending recent votes count more Date gvim windows 10 newest first Date created oldest first.

Hi, thanks for your reply and suggestion I had removed python 3. When reinstalling 3. Gvim windows 10 now I have in my. I just gvim windows 10 that I had installed a bit vo, never checked it : The bit version locates python27 without my assistance, gvim windows 10 python38 I had to set pythonthreedll and pythonthreehome. Updated the answer to include information about bit binaries. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign gvim windows 10 using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.

Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Can you stop fvim open-source project from being used for evil? Satellite internet: More useful than sending a car into space Ep. Should we burninate the [master] gviim Linked 1. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Accept all cookies Customize settings.



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